Get guaranteed returns on your investment and reach your goals, all at a reliable rate.
Key Features
Guaranteed Returns
Competitive Interest
CDARS Available
- Fixed rates, higher than standard savings
- Receive higher rates by selecting a longer term
- Great, low-risk investment option
- Set aside for future savings goals
- A wide range of terms available (from 3 months to 5 years)
- No setup or maintenance fees
- Early withdrawals subject to penalty
- $2,500 minimum deposit to open
Through CDARS®, or the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service, First Bank is able to provide large-deposit investors with the ultimate in security and convenience.
- Access multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance
- All CD investments placed through CDARS® are managed through a single banking relationship
- Flexible maturity periods available
- CD-level interest rates
- Interest paid directly to you or an account you designate
Limits apply. Funds may be submitted for placement only after a depositor enters into a CDARS® Deposit Placement Agreement with us. The agreement contains important information and conditions regarding the placement of funds by us. CDARS® and Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service are registered service marks of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC.